2023 New Legs
Farmstead’s Lion King CGC “Simba” Handled by Kelly Murphy
Earned two Rally Novice legs with a 2 nd place and one Beginner Novice leg with a 2 nd place
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s New Year’s Trial
December 29-31, 2023 -
CH Ilvolare I Answer to No One Scar RN CGC TKN “Leo” Handled by Anne Cavoto
Earned two Rally Intermediate legs with two 3rd places
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s New Year’s Trial
December 29-31, 2023 -
Freedom Paws The Golden Experiment UD OM1 BN RN JH MX MXB MXJ MJB XF T2B CGC TKN “Beaker” Handled by Jeanine Goldberg
Earned two Utility legs and a 2nd place
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s New Year’s Trial
December 29-31, 2023 -
Captree Trip Over Me BN RI BCAT CGC TKN “Trip” Handled by Chris Marsten
Earned a Rally Masters leg
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s New Year’s Trial
December 29-31, 2023 -
Winnie McMahon “Winnie” Handled by Nancy McMahon
Earned two Beginner Novice legs with two 1st places
Mount Vernon Dog Club’s New Year’s Trial
December 29-31, 2023 -
Clementine Frances of Arlington CD BN RN CGC TKN “Clemmie” Handled by Pattie DeLoatche
Earned two Novice A legs with two 2nd places
Mount Vernon Dog Club’s New Year’s Trial
December 29-31, 2023 -
Greene’s “Murphy” CD RE CGC TKN Handled by Shannon Greene
Earned an Open A leg
Mount Vernon Dog Club’s New Year’s Trial
December 29-31, 2023 -
Morning Star’s “Indy” UD RE Handled by Stephanie Zimmerli
Earned two UDX legs and a 4th place
Mount Vernon Dog Club’s New Year’s Trial
December 29-31, 2023 -
CAF A Royal Touch of Class CD BN RM RAE OAP OJP NFP DCAT CGCA CGCU TKP “Dutch” Handled by Ciara Sitko
Earned a triple Q, High Combined and High Triple
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s New Year’s Trial
December 29, 2023 -
Morning Star’s “Indy” UD RE Handled by Stephanie Zimmerli
Earned an open leg and a utility leg
Catoctin Kennel Club Obedience/Rally Trial
December 2-3, 2023 -
OTCH Kerwynd’s Summer Storm UDX8 OGM “Stormy” Handled by Don Levinson
Earned two UDX legs and 3 OTCH points
Catoctin Kennel Club Obedience/Rally Trial
December 2-3, 2023
OTCH Kerwynd’s Summer Storm UDX8 OGM “Stormy” Handled by Don Levinson
Earned a UDX leg with a 3rd place in Open and a second place in Utility
Earned UDX leg with an Open second place, a Utility first place and high combined
Earned a 3rd place in Utility
Bouvier Trial in Glen Allen
November 3-5, 2023 -
Morning Star’s “Indy” UD RE Handled by Stephanie Zimmerli
Earned their first UDX leg with a 2nd place and a second UDX leg with OM1 points
Bouvier Trial in Glen Allen
November 3-5, 2023 -
Morning Star’s “Indy” UD RE Handled by Stephanie Zimmerli
Earned a utility leg and an open leg
Blue Ridge Dog Training Club Trial
November 18-19, 2023 -
Kamarich's Olive Branch Poppie Davis “Olive” Handled by Todd Davis
Earned a Rally Novice B leg with a 3rd place Catoctin Kennel Club Obedience/Rally Trial
November 30, 2023
“Winnie” Handled by Barb /Sally Nist
Earned her first Beginner Novice leg
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s Fall Show
October 27-29, 2023 -
Freedom Paws The Golden Experiment UD OM1 BN RN JH MX MXB MXJ MJB XF T2B CGC TKN “Beaker” Handled by Jeanine Goldberg
Earned a utility leg
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s Fall Show
October 28, 2023 -
Joval WiFi Connect “Yunga” CD BN Handled by Katia Volonsevich
Earned their first CDX leg with a second place
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s Fall Show
October 27-29, 2023 -
Ch. TES Fire in the Hole CD BN RI CGC TKN “Boyd” Handled by Anne Cavoto
Earned their first CDX leg with a first place
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s Fall Show
October 27-29, 2023 -
EverReady’s Spur of the Moment BN RN “Ruby” Handled by Laurie Falter
Earned two CD legs
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s Fall Show
October 27-29, 2023 -
Clementine Frances of Arlington “Clemmie” BN RN CGC, TKN Handled by Pattie DeLoatche
Earned their second Novice Obedience A leg with a 2nd place
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s Fall Show
October 27, 2023 -
Kiss Me Kate by D Blarneystone RN, CGC, TKN “Katy” Handled by Kathy Harrington
Earned two Rally Novice legs
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s Fall Show October 27-29, 2023 -
Captree Trip Over Me BN RI BCAT CGC TKN “Trip” Handled by Chris Marsten
Earned two Rally Masters legs
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s Fall Show
October 27-29, 2023 -
Wiccaby ‘n Seaangels Ironman BN “Watson” Handled by Brenda Hankins
Earned their first Rally Novice leg with a first place
They also earned four BN legs with a first place, second place, third place, and a fourth place
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s Fall Show
October 27-29, 2023 -
Kamarich's Olive Branch Poppie Davis “Olive” Handled by Todd Davis
Earned their first Rally Novice leg
Mount Vernon Dog Training Club’s Fall Show October 27, 2023
OTCH Kerwynd’s Summer Storm UDX8 OGM “Stormy” Handled by Don Levinson
Earned a UDX leg with a 3rd place in Open and a second place in Utility [with OTCH points]
Earned UDX leg with an Open second place, a Utility first place and high combined
Earned a 3rd place in Utility
Bouvier Trial in Glen Allen
November 3-5, 2023 -
Clementine Frances of Arlington BN RN CGC TKN (Clemmie) Handled by Pattie DeLoatche
Earned their first Novice A leg
with a second place
Hyattsville Dog Training Club Show
September 23-24, 2023 -
Kiss Me Kate by D Blarneystone CGC, TKN (Katie) Handled by Kathy Harrington
Earned two Rally Novice legs
Hyattsville Dog Training Club Show
September 23-24, 2023 -
Aquest's Bee Bob Baloo, BN, RNCGC, CGCU, (Bob) Handled by Debbie Barrows
Earned their Rally Novice legs with a 4th place and a 2nd place
Hyattsville Dog Training Club Show
September 23-24, 2023 -
Morning Star's "Indy" UD RE Handled by Stephanie Zimmerli
Earned an extra utility leg
Oriole Dog Training Club, Halethorpe, MD
August 25-27, 2023 -
Lycinan Chantelle Intrepid Diamond In The Ruff (Aladdin) CD BN RA RI RE FCAT,TD CGC,CCA Handled by Debbie Barrows
Earned his second CDX leg with a third place
Washington Poodle Club Show
July 29, 2023
Earned his third CDX leg (and title) with a second place
Greenspring Poodle Club Show
July 30, 2023 -
Aquest's Bee Bob Baloo, BN, CGC, CGCU, (Bob) Handled by Debbie Barrows
Earned two BN legs with a second place and a third place
Greenspring Poodle Club and Washington Poodle Club Shows
July 29-30, 2023 -
Freedom Paws The Golden Experiment UD BN JH MXJ MX OF CGC TKN Handled by Jeanine Goldberg
Earned an open leg
Greenspring Poodle Club Show
July 30, 2023 -
Thunderstruck Some Like It Hot MH RN "Chili" CD Handled by Laurie Falter
Earned a second open leg with a 2nd place
Washington Poodle Club Show
July 29, 2023 -
EverReady’s Spur of the Moment RN “Ruby” Handled by Laurie Falter
Earned two BN legs (and title)
Washington Poodle Club and Greenspring Poodle Club Shows
July 29-30, 2023 -
OTCH Kerwynd’s Summer Storm UDX8 OGM “Stormy” Handled by Don Levinson
Earned a 2nd place in Utility
Washington Poodle Club Show
July 29, 2023
Earned a UDX leg
Greenspring Poodle Club Show
July 30, 2023 -
OTCH Kerwynd's Summer Storm UDX8 OGM “Stormy” Handled by Don Levinson
A 1st and 2nd Place in Open B; a 2nd and 3rd place in Utility B
Earned 2 UDX leg
Earned High in Trial and High Combined Doberman
4 Doberman Top 20 Scores
Cavalier Doberman All Breed Show
July 15-16, 2023 -
OTCH Kerwynd's Summer Storm UDX8 OGM “Stormy” Handled by Don Levinson
Earned High in Trail
Mattaponi Kennel Club at Colonial K9
July 9, 2023 -
Lounar Ms. Bonnie Blue Butler CD BN “Meiling” Handled by Dian Thomas
Earned their second CDX leg
Mattaponi Kennel Club at Colonial K9
July 8, 2023 -
CH Foxtale Second Symphony UDX BN RE CGC “Gavin” Handled by Dian Thomas
Earned a Utility leg
Mattaponi Kennel Club at Colonial K9
July 8, 2023 -
CAF A Royal Touch of Class CD BN RM OAP OJP NFP DCAT CGCA CGCU TKP “Dutch” Handled by Ciara Sitko
Earned 2 Triple Qs with HIGH scores towards their RACH
Mattaponi Kennel Club at Colonial K9
July 8-9, 2023
Greene’s “Murphy” CD RA RE CGC TKI Handled by Shannon Greene
Earned their first Novice B (bumper) leg
Richmond Dog Training Show
June 25, 2023 -
OTCH Kerwynd's Summer Storm UDX8 OGM “Stormy” Handled by Don Levinson
Earned an open leg
Richmond Dog Training Club
June 25, 2023 -
OTCH Kerwynd's Summer Storm UDX8 OGM “Stormy” Handled by Don Levinson
Earned High in Trail and High Combined both days (June 11-12)
They also earned three top 25 Doberman Scores
Charlottesville Dog Training Shows in Fishersville, VA
June 11-12, 2023
OTCH Kerwynd's Summer Storm UDX8 OGM Handled by Don Levinson
Earned a UDX leg
Blue Ridge Dog Training Club
May 26-28, 2023 -
Freedom Paws The Golden Experiment UD BN JH MXJ MX OF CGC TKN Handled by Jeanine Goldberg
Earned a utility leg
Blue Ridge Dog Training Club
May 27, 2023 -
EverReady’s Spur of the Moment RN “Ruby” Handled by Laurie Falter
Earned their first BN leg
Catocin Kennel Club
May 6-7, 2023 -
Thunderstruck Some Like It Hot MH RN "Chili" CD Handled by Laurie Falter
Earned their first Open A leg
with a 2nd place
Catocin Kennel Club
May 6-7, 2023 -
Freedom Paws The Golden Experiment UD BN JH MXJ MX OF CGC TKN Handled by Jeannie Goldberg
Earned an Open Leg and
a Rally Novice leg with a 1st place
Catoctin Kennel Club
May 5-7, 2023 -
"Yunga" BN Handled by Katia Volonsevich
Earned their 1st and 2nd Novice A legs
with a 1st place and a 2nd place
Catoctin Kennel Club
May 6-7, 2023 -
OTCH Kerwynd's Summer Storm UDX8 OGM Handled by Don Levinson Don and Stormy
Earned a UDX leg
Westminster Kennel Club
May 6, 2023
OTCH Kerwynd's Summer Storm UDX7 OGM Handled by Don Levinson
Earned three UDX legs, 2 High in Trials and 3 High Combined
Crab Cluster at Doswell
March 29-April 1, 2023 -
"Yunga" BN Handled by Handled by Katia Volonsevich
Earned their 3rd and final Beginner Novice A leg
and a 1st Place
Mason & Dixon Kennel Club
Boonsboro, MD
March 25-27, 2023 -
Freedom Paws The Golden Experiment UD BN JH MXJ MX OF CGC TKN "Beaker" Handled by Jeanine Goldberg
Earned their 3rd UDX leg and an extra open leg
And three 4th place ribbons and one OTCH point
Mason & Dixon Kennel Club
Boonsboro, MD
March 25-27, 2023 -
Swift Obsidian 007 "Swift" BN Handled by Beth Turgeon
Earned their first Novice A leg
and a 1st place
Mason & Dixon Kennel Club
Boonsboro, MD
March 25-27, 2023 -
OTCH Kerwynd's Summer Storm UDX7 OGM Handled by Don Levinson
Earned a UDX leg and were 4 th in Utility B
Dog Owners Training Club of MD
March 19, 2023 -
Greene's "Murphy" CD RA CGC TKI Handled by Shannon Greene
Earned their first and second Rally Excellent legs
and their Intermediate Trick Title (TKI)
Catoctin Kennel Club Trial
March 11-12, 2023 -
OTCH Kerwynd's Summer Storm UDX7 OGM Handled by Don Levinson
Earned a UDX leg, a 3rd Place in Utility, and 1st place in Open
High in Trial
Maryland Sporting Dog
March 5, 2023
"Yunga" Handled by Katia Volonsevich
Earned two BN legs
with a 1st and 2nd place
Colonial K9
MVDTC New Year’s Trial
December 30-Jan 1, 2023 -
Galileo Di Casa Ghini CGC TKN BN "Stanley" Handled by Jamie Soucie
Earned 2 Novice A legs
Colonial K9
MVDTC New Year’s Trial
December 30-Jan 1, 2023 -
Kinloch Not So Fast "Kian" Handled by Dian Thomas
Earned his second and third Novice legs
Colonial K9
MVDTC New Year’s Trial
December 30-Jan 1, 2023 -
Freedom Paws The Golden Experiment UD BN JH MXJ MX OF CGC TKN "Beaker" Handled by Jeanine Goldberg
Earned a 2nd place in Utility B for 4 OTCH points
Colonial K9
MVDTC New Year’s Trial
December 30-Jan 1, 2023 -
Swift Obsidian 007 "Swift" BN Handled by Beth Turgeon
Earned their BN title
Colonial K9
MVDTC New Year’s Trial
December 30-Jan 1, 2023 -
Freyja Milwin Fire and Ice "Freyja" BN Handled by Beth Turgeon
Earned her BN
Colonial K9
MVDTC New Year’s Trial
December 30-Jan 1, 2023 -
Greene's "Murphy" CD RE CGC TKN Handled by Shannon Greene
Earned their Novice A Title
Colonial K9
MVDTC New Year’s Trial
December 30-Jan 1, 2023 -
Kinloch Not So Fast "Kian" CD Handled by Dian Thomas
Earned his Novice Title
Colonial K9
MVDTC New Year’s Trial
December 30-Jan 1, 2023 -
Kerwynd's Rare and Radiant Maiden V Vision "Raven" CD Handled by Don Levinson
Earned their Novice title
Colonial K9
MVDTC New Year’s Trial
December 30-Jan 1, 2023 -
“Verse” CD AXJ OA Handled by Myra Miller
Earned their Novice Title
and TWO High in Trials
Colonial K9
MVDTC New Year’s Trial
December 30-Jan 1, 2023 -
Morning Star's "Indy" UD RE Handled by Stephanie Zimmerli
Earned their Utility title
Colonial K9
MVDTC New Year’s Trial
December 30-Jan 1, 2023